Friday, February 11, 2011

My yearly blog from blogger to my students

Ironically, though I make nearly every class create a blog to document their multimedia projects, I'm terrible about blogging back to you. I often rely on the immediacy of my website,, to fill in the details. Truth is, students, is that blogging is good for you. Good to get your name out there, good to help you order your thoughts in a cohesive manner, and good to help you realize you have much to offer and much to learn. Helping each other by reading blogs and then discerning the truth for yourself. The practice of html, xhtml, html5 and all the various css ;-) is a matter of doing and learning and designing solutions to problems. That's why I make you blog, though truth is told I am not very good about it myself.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hoisted on my own petard

OMG! Student just fb'd that they were reading this blog while in class writing on Facebook. I didn't even remember this was online! And it all comes back around. Go Dr. Ruth!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Production Planning

My student's are the best. I defy anyone to think otherwise. However, it is hard to get them to pay attention since the advent Twitter and Facebook and Meebo. How can I compete with Technology??:????

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A new quarter and I'm excited

I think I was feeling a bit jaded about teaching. I love it, don't get me wrong, but I was feeling a little worn at the edges, a bit depleted. However, through a last minute class cancellation (Production Planning), I am now teaching a class in fundamentals of computer applications - Microsoft Office and some of the graphics and web building software that students will need as they go through classes at the art institute.

It's been a few years since I've taught the class and I forgot the eagerness and the newness of the program in these students. And I forgot the boost they gave me. As I read their comments in my student survey, I feel my batteries recharge, my interest perk up, my eagerness to work growing. As much as I had resented the last minute change to my schedule, I have learned (again!) the lesson that everything is for the best.

My New Year's resolution: Everything will be o.k.

peace, polka and piwo

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Site re-created

Out with the old and in with the new. About time. Still working out design details but structure is there. Cleaned out all the old files, ALL, and am now adding in as needed. Of course, suddenly assigned a different class to teach than the one I prepped added to the workload, but I'm glad about the progress. Didn't redo Polkacide like I had intended, but oh, well. Will do as much as I can.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary and Happy 2008

Hello everyone! Today is my 24th (!) anniversary so kisses to my husband. Next week is our return to classes so hope everyone is doing well. Remember, we will be documenting our work online for all to see and share, so if you don't currently have a blog, be aware that you soon will.

Cold and raining out but we still love San Francisco!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Although I still get up at my customary 5-ish (that's in the morning), my day begins entirely different than during the week. Instead of the mad rush to get to my exercise class, and then immediately to my own class I teach, I divide my time between housework and homework - cleaning after a week's worth of living in my home, between grading homework of my students. And always, always, the computer is the first thing on, even before the morning coffee.