Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Although I still get up at my customary 5-ish (that's in the morning), my day begins entirely different than during the week. Instead of the mad rush to get to my exercise class, and then immediately to my own class I teach, I divide my time between housework and homework - cleaning after a week's worth of living in my home, between grading homework of my students. And always, always, the computer is the first thing on, even before the morning coffee.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

another day at AI

How do you entertain multimedia students long enough for them to learn the lesson for the day? Easy...just give them a new media to play with. Today, their assignment was to install a blog to keep track of their production notes for Interactive Design for Entertainment. As a bonus, I threw in Camtasia. Now they're awake! Suddenly, the games and the IM's have stopped and they're back involved. phew...