Sunday, January 13, 2008

A new quarter and I'm excited

I think I was feeling a bit jaded about teaching. I love it, don't get me wrong, but I was feeling a little worn at the edges, a bit depleted. However, through a last minute class cancellation (Production Planning), I am now teaching a class in fundamentals of computer applications - Microsoft Office and some of the graphics and web building software that students will need as they go through classes at the art institute.

It's been a few years since I've taught the class and I forgot the eagerness and the newness of the program in these students. And I forgot the boost they gave me. As I read their comments in my student survey, I feel my batteries recharge, my interest perk up, my eagerness to work growing. As much as I had resented the last minute change to my schedule, I have learned (again!) the lesson that everything is for the best.

My New Year's resolution: Everything will be o.k.

peace, polka and piwo


Unknown said...

Don't let those jaded upperclassmen get you down Sharon!

-Nick D

Sharon said...

Oh, good to hear from you Nick! Well, it doesn't keep the older, about-to-graduate students and working professionals, from being dear to my heart, now does it?

It's not students, it's just the needs. We all must learn how to balance our lives in order to make them purposeful. If we run around all the time doing stuff, we never stop to think about what we are doing.

I'm very pleased with your success, Nick. When it gets trying, just remember your accomplishments.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sharon! I'm very happy with how things have been going in my life! I'm going to have a busy year, that's for sure.

I'm going to the Curriculum Committee Meeting tomorrow, maybe I'll see you there??

Keep on blogging!!! ;-)